Top Reasons that you should Automate your Building

automate your building-Vitality

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Top Reasons to Automate your Building

When you automate your building, you will be able to gain a broad array of advantages that will both improve your building and minimize problems. Automating your building can help to reduce your operational and maintenance costs, as well as provide enhanced security and comfort inside of your building. It is useful to understand all of the various benefits automation can provide, so that you can take the best steps to improve your building and your own energy management strategy. The experts at Vitality can help you to make the upgrades to your building that will enable automation and better energy consumption. Here are a few of the top reasons to automate your building.

Lower Operational Costs

Automating your building allows you to ensure that your building will operate far more efficiently. By obtaining increased efficiency, you will be able to substantially lower your operational costs. These costs make up a huge portion of a business’s overhead expenses. When you automate your building, you will often see substantial increases to your profit margin. Building automation enables all of your systems to function at the same level of quality, while reducing the overall amount of necessary energy. This can provide huge savings, especially over a longer period of time.

Enhanced Security

Building automation often involves the implementation of a security system, such as cameras or remote locking capabilities. When you automate the building, you will be able to enhance the overall security and comfort of your building. This helps you to protect your business while simultaneously increasing the comfort of your employees and customers. Enhanced security is just one of the many reasons that you should consider automating your building. It is also important to note that automation will provide you with information to make repairs that may otherwise compromise the security of your building.  

Reduced Maintenance Expenses

Building automation often provides further information about the preventative maintenance that the building requires. This allows automated buildings to reduce your maintenance expenses. When you provide preventative maintenance for your building, you will often be able to keep the building in good condition and lower potential repair expenses. This can help you to save a significant amount of money over time, which will further help to lower your various expenses. Regular preventative maintenance is often a much more affordable approach than having to make repairs when damage occurs to the property.

Improve Productivity

When you automate your building, you will create a far more comfortable environment. Employees that are more comfortable will be much more productive. By ensuring that your systems work in an automated capacity, you will be able to create this more comfortable environment. This helps to provide many additional benefits for your business. This can also help to reduce employee turnover, which will reduce many of the hiring expenses that you may also face. Improving productivity is another way that building automation can expand your profit margin and help your business grow.  

Increase Property Value

A building that has automated systems will ultimately be much more valuable. By increasing the automation of your building, you will be able to further increase your property value. This enables you to ensure that automating your building is a project that has a higher return on investment. By investing in high ROI projects, you minimize your expenses while optimizing your advantages. For example, a more valuable building may allow you to charge your tenants more rent or will allow you to ask a higher price if you decide to sell the property.  

Have a Safer Building

Building automation helps to ensure that you have a safer building. It will provide you with information regarding various hazards that can impact the safety of those that are present within the property. For example, if there is a problem with the electrical system, you will often receive alerts that will enable you to make the appropriate repairs to the building. This will reduce the risk of fires, as well as enhance safety. When you automate your building, you will often be able to increase its safety and prevent harm to those that are present within the building. An automated building will also enable you to have more control over the air quality of the building, which can further increase the safety of the building.

Easier Control

Automated systems are often able to implement a centralized control system. This may enable you to operate your systems from a smart phone or other centralized location. When you have your building automated, it will be far simpler to ensure that your building operates as it is supposed to. This easier control substantially increases your convenience, as well as provides you with additional control over the various systems of your building. It also enhances efficiency, because you won’t have to access multiple sources for the operation of your building.  

Environmentally Friendly

More energy efficiency ultimately reduces the amount of energy that is required to maintain a comfortable atmosphere within the building. By reducing your energy expenditure, you are reducing the impact that your business’s operations will have on the environment. Building automation is an environmentally friendly choice to make for your building. This can provide further advantages, as well, because some locations may offer tax incentives for making energy efficient improvements to the property.

Provide Peace of Mind

When you automate your building, you will be able to significantly improve your peace of mind. Ensuring you have up to date information regarding the operations of your building helps to reduce any worries you may have about your property. With additional peace of mind, you will be able to reduce your overall stress levels. It will also enable you to control the various systems of your building much more efficiently.

Temperature Regulation

Building automation allows your HVAC system to operate more effectively. When you have your building automated, you will be able to regulate the temperature of your building more easily and efficiently. This helps to provide you with a far more comfortable environment. Increasing the comfort of your environment can help to keep those inside the property happier and more satisfied. Temperature regulation is one of the ideal benefits of having the systems of your building automated.

Control When Away from Building

When you have your building automated, you will often be able to control the various systems when you are away from the area. This can help you to ensure that the building is safe and comfortable, even when you aren’t physically present. Being able to control the building remotely is an important way that you can protect your business and your property.

Reduce Employee Turnover

When your employees are more comfortable, they will be more satisfied with their job. Automated systems enable you to keep your building more comfortable, which will increase the happiness of employees. This can help to reduce employee turnover. There are many additional advantages to this, such as reduced hiring and training expenses. Keeping your employees happy can further improve productivity and provide many additional benefits for your business.

Integrate your Systems

Integrating your systems enables them to work more efficiently. When you automate your building, you will often be able to ensure that your systems can be integrated. This tends to provide substantial improvements to energy efficiency, as well as more information about improving your energy management.

Better Air Quality

Building automation tends to provide you with more information about the various systems of your building. For example, it can inform you when maintenance is necessary for your HVAC system. By obtaining this information, you will be able to improve the air quality of your property. Not only does this create a much more comfortable environment, but it will also help to ensure that the building is much safer for those that are regularly inside of the property. Air quality is incredibly important for any building and can often be controlled through building automation.

Make Effective Changes

Building automation helps you to gather important information about the operation of your building. This data is critical in enabling you to make more effective changes to your energy consumption. Without careful information, you will be unable to make positive changes to the building’s operation. It will also be impossible to gauge how effective any of your changes have been. When you automate your building, you will often be able to make effective changes to your energy management strategies.

Automating your building can help you to reduce your energy expenses, while simultaneously increasing the value of your property. Our team at Vitality can provide expert guidance to help you make the best possible decisions for your own building. Building intelligence comes with even more benefits than building automation. When you work with us, you will be able to ensure a comfortable, energy efficient building that will meet all of your needs. To learn more about why you should automate your building, as well as the most effective way to do so, contact us at Vitality today!

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