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Retrieving Logs with FTP Connection to an Acquisuite

Retrieving Logs with FTP Connection to Obvius Acquisuite


  • FTP Client program such as Filezilla.  
  • FTP Client must have set the FTP transfer mode to BINARY. (Very important!)
  • FTP Connections need to be allowed in the Acquisuite. 

Allowing FTP Connections in the Acquisuite

Step 1:  

Log into the Acquisuite using a web browser.

Step 2: 

Using the left navigation tree, click into Network>Setup

Step 3:  

Allow Telnet and FTP logins temporarily for an hour. 

Step 4:  

Reboot the Acquisuite

Directions to connect by FTP

Step 1: 

 Connect to the AcquiSuite  using your FTP Client.  

  • Host:  ftp://root@[ip address of the acquisuite]/
  • Username:  root
  • Password: [admin password of the acquisuite]


Step 2: 

You will see something like this.

Step 3:  

Click [..] to navigate to the main file system. 

Step 4:  

Click “mnt”

Step 5: 

 Click “main”

Step 6:  

Click “log”

Step 7: 

 Click “modbus”

Step 8:  

Highlight the logs with the .log.gz files. 

Step 9:  

Move the files from this site to a folder on your computer. 

Step 10:  

Confirm the files are on your computer

Step 11:  

Close your FTP program. 

Confirm the Files are out of the Acquisuite

Step 1:  Reboot the Acquisuite

Step 2:  After reboot, log into the Acquisuite using a web browser.

Step 3:  Using the left navigation tree, click into Logfile Data>Status

Step 4:  The logs should not be visible.

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