Measurement & Verification: Does it Matter?

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Evaluation, Measurement & Verification or simply Measurement & Verification (“M&V”) is an increasingly important part of the energy manager’s job responsibilities.

Millions of dollars are being spent on energy conservation measures (“ECMs”). These might include localized generation utilizing solar, wind or cogeneration

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systems, or they might consist of lighting, window, insulation, and motor controller upgrades.

Regardless, those responsible for the business bottom line want to know what their return on investment (“ROI”) looks like, and ROI cannot be accurately determined without good before and after data.

The American Council for an Efficient Energy Economy (ACEEE) has compiled a number of good articles on energy efficiency including this one on M&V. At Summa, we specialize in providing measurement systems that can help you verify the effectiveness of your ECMs including the associated ROI. Perhaps, the ACEEE articles will help you formulate your plans and how to sell them to upper management.

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