Energy Analytics Across Multiple Buildings

energy analytics

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Energy Analytics Across Multiple Buildings

When you monitor operations across multiple buildings, you may be wasting a great deal of time switching between platforms. Energy analytics across multiple buildings with the Vitality platform can help you to identify problems early on, take action to minimize productivity loss, and take an array of steps to reduce your expenses. Energy analytics are a critical component of gaining insight into the energy consumption of your buildings. With our platform, you can simplify your energy analytics and ensure that you can effectively monitor the energy use across each of the buildings that you manage. Not only can this save your business money, but it can also enhance your efficiency.

Identify the Root Cause of Energy Waste with Energy Analytics

When you manage multiple buildings, it can take a great deal of time to locate problems with your energy consumption. This results in a substantial amount of wasted energy and lost money before the problem can be resolved. With superior energy analytics, you can more easily identify the root cause of energy waste. This will enable you to react more quickly and make the necessary adjustments before they result in substantial financial loss. This is especially important when you have to narrow the problem down between multiple buildings. Without effective energy analytics, you might have to spend far too much time trying to narrow down the source before you can resolve the problem.

Minimize Energy Drift in Multiple Buildings

Energy drift is essentially the loss of efficiency as a building grows older. In an optimal world, buildings would always operate with the efficiency that they were originally designed for. As they grow older, they start to drift away from this optimal efficiency. With superior energy analytics, you can monitor this energy drift and take action to minimize it. This can lead to serious monetary savings when you manage energy drift across multiple buildings and facilities. A slight amount of energy drift becomes multiplied when it occurs in multiple buildings, which means that savings from resolving energy drift can also become multiplied.

Automatically Detect Faults and Problems

Not only does managing multiple buildings make it difficult to locate a problem when it occurs, but it can also make it difficult to even detect problems when they are present. If you don’t know that there is a problem, you will be unable to find the source of the problem. With energy analytics, you can ensure that faults and problems are detected automatically and that you are notified. Anomaly detection enables you to react more quickly and minimize the cost of problems with your energy operations.

Visualize Energy Performance

Energy analytics make it easier to visualize the energy performance of your various buildings. This often aids in turning data into an actionable format that is easy to read. In addition, the right energy analytics will enable you to organize your data in the format that makes the most sense for your purposes. For example, you may be able to organize the data according to the particular building or type of energy use. Visualizing the energy performance helps you to make better decisions for your energy operations.

Multiply Benefits Across Buildings

As you operate multiple buildings, you likely know the negative impact that can be multiplied when problems occur across these buildings. However, it is also important to note that the advantages are also multiplied. When you apply effective energy analytics across these multiple buildings, you will save a substantial amount of money and energy. The right improvements will be multiplied as each building receives these benefits. Working with our experts at Vitality will help to ensure that you can make as effective use of your energy management as possible to ensure that you can reap all of these benefits for your facility.

When you manage the operations of multiple buildings, it is essential to have effective, accurate energy analytics. These analytics will give you insight into the way your buildings are functioning, as well as information regarding the steps that you can take to improve this functionality. For more information about our platform and how it can help you to obtain energy analytics across multiple buildings, contact us at Vitality today!

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