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How to Reduce Carbon Footprint in Hotels: Tips and Tricks

how to reduce carbon footprint in hotels

How to reduce carbon footprint in hotels? There are a few things you can do to help hospitality businesses do their part.

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to be conscious of our impact on the environment. And one of the most impactful things we can do is to reduce our carbon footprint.

As hotel owners, we have a unique opportunity to educate our employees and guests on the importance of reducing our carbon footprint.

Check out our tips and tricks below on how to reduce carbon footprint in hotels so hospitality businesses can start making a difference.

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How to Reduce Carbon Footprint in Hotels

We’ve installed solar panels on our roofs to offset our energy usage, and we’ve implemented a comprehensive recycling program. We’re also working on ways to reduce our water usage as we continue to explore new ways to be more sustainable.

But we know that there’s always more we can do. And that’s why we’re committed to reducing our carbon footprint even further.

We encourage our employees and guests to do their part by conserving energy, recycling, and using less water. We know that even small changes can make a big difference.

Implement Energy-Efficient Practices

The hotel industry is one of the biggest users of energy, and one way to reduce your carbon footprint is to implement energy-efficient practices throughout the building.

This can include using LED lighting and low-flow plumbing fixtures.

By making these simple changes, hospitality businesses can save money on operating costs and make the hotel more eco-friendly.

Install Smart-Energy Sensors

One of the things hotels can do to reduce their carbon footprint is to install smart sensors. These energy management sensors can detect when a room is empty and automatically turn off the lights or climate control. They can also detect whether guest bedrooms are full or empty, automatically turning off the heating or air conditioning when the windows are open.

These technologies can also automate turning the lights on after dark in outdoor spaces like gardens or promenades.

Installing smart-energy sensors is also a great way to save money since hotels can avoid wasting energy when no one is using a particular space.

Purchase Green Power From Your Utility Company

You can help reduce carbon emissions by purchasing green power from your utility company or installing on-site renewable energy generation like solar panels or a small wind turbine.

Green power is generated from renewable resources like the sun, wind, and water, which have a much lower carbon footprint than traditional power sources like coal and natural gas.

By using green power, you can help reduce your hotel’s impact on the environment and make a positive difference in the fight against climate change.

Eliminate Single-Use Toiletries

If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel, chances are you’ve used some form of single-use toiletry. Whether it’s a tiny bottle of shampoo or conditioner, a mini tube of toothpaste, or a single-use razor, these items are typically used for just a short time and then thrown away.

While they may be small, the impact of these single-use toiletries is actually quite large. In fact, single-use toiletries account for 40% of the plastics we produce each year. And, since 91% of all plastic is not actually recycled, that means a lot of these items end up in landfills.

Fortunately, there is a growing movement to eliminate single-use toiletries in the hospitality industry. More and more hotels are replacing small toiletry plastic bottles with more eco-friendly “bulk-sized” amenities. These include the Hyatt, Intercontinental, and Marriott hotel chains.

For Marriott in particular, this new toiletry program is expected to prevent about 500 million tiny bottles annually from going to landfills.


Make Recycling Easy

Most people want to do their part to reduce carbon emissions, but it can be difficult to know where to start.

Here are some simple tips on how to reduce carbon footprint in hotels during business travel.

  1. Make recycling easy for employees and guests by providing ample bins throughout the property for paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum cans.
  2. Educate employees and guests about the importance of recycling and what materials can be recycled.
  3. Encourage guests to use reusable water tumblers and coffee mugs as well as water refill stations.
  4. Improve energy efficiency with eco-friendly lighting and appliances.
  5. Purchase green power from your local utility company.
  6. Implement water conservation measures such as low-flow showerheads and toilets.
  7. Serve local and organic food and beverages.
  8. Use green cleaning products.
  9. Compost kitchen and food waste.
  10. Use green transportation options for business travel such as bicycles and electric vehicles.

Compost Food Waste to Reduce Methane Emissions from Landfills

By composting organic material, you can help reduce methane emissions from landfills.

Food waste is a major contributor to methane production, which are powerful greenhouse gas emission. When organic material decomposes in a landfill, it produces methane gas.

This gas can escape into the atmosphere and contribute to climate change. Composting food waste is a simple way to reduce methane emissions.

When you compost, you’re essentially speeding up the decomposition process. This means that the organic material breaks down into methane gas more quickly before it has a chance to escape into the atmosphere.

Plus, composting is great for the environment in general. It helps improve soil quality and can even help reduce water usage.

FAQs in Relation to How to Reduce Carbon Footprint in Hotels

What are 5 ways to reduce carbon footprint?

1. Less Water Consumption

Take shorter showers, turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth, and reuse towels.

2. Save Energy Use

Turn off lights when you leave a room, unplug electronics when they’re not in use, and close doors and windows to keep the heat or air conditioning inside.

3. Eat Less Meat

Meat production is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing your meat consumption, or eating only sustainable and locally-sourced meat can help reduce your carbon footprint.

4. Recycle and Compost

Recycling paper, glass, metal, and plastic reduces the number of resources used to create new products. Proper waste management includes composting food waste to reduce methane emissions from landfills.

5. Travel Sustainably

Choose public transportation or low-emitting cars when possible. Offset your travel emissions by planting trees or investing in renewable energy projects. Ditch those single-use plastic water bottles and drink from water refill stations.

What can hotels do to protect the environment?

There are a number of ways hotels can reduce pollution and energy consumption.

One way is to use less energy. This can be done by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when they are not in use, and using natural lighting whenever possible.

Another way to reduce pollution is to use less water. This can be done by installing low-flow showerheads and toilets and using drought-resistant plants in the landscaping.

Finally, hotels can recycle or compost their waste instead of sending it to landfills.


As travelers become more conscientious about the carbon footprint of their trips, hotels are feeling pressure to reduce their environmental impact.

The 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development are a great framework for how to reduce carbon footprint in hotels. By following these 17 goals, you can not only lead the hotel industry in best practices for sustainable tourism but inspire other hotels and resorts to do the same.

Not only will going green help save the environment, but you’ll likely see a boost in profits as well. According to a survey of travelers from 30 countries, more consumers are seeking environmentally friendly accommodation options and this will likely continue.

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